Monday, April 11, 2011

World's Craziest Fools: The TV Series

Mr. T is taking time out of his busy chain-wearing schedule to host World's Craziest Fools on the BBC (which is apparently a TV channel in England). The show revolves around bumbling criminals and the investigators who catch them. Apparently, one of the fools featured is a lady who called the police after she was given the wrong meal at Burger King. What are the odds that the lady is from Philadelphia? Mr. T has no actual relationship to law enforcement but luckily his catchphrase has the word "fool" in it. I can't wait till World's Craziest Fools makes it over to the States. I'm sure that Spike TV has a place on its schedule for it right next to World's Wildest Police Videos, which is still the greatest show ever.

The Sun

1 comment:

  1. ive just watched the first episode and i must say its funny as fuck, filled with CCTV and webcam fails the content is quite funny but MR T's sarcastic commentary is out of this world and beats rude tube and ybf hands down for laughs well done bbc3 finally brought something decent to our screens rather than the crappy "new age" shite you normally spurt out off the back of our license fees. sucker!
