Saturday, March 12, 2011

Real World XXV

The Real World returned to Las Vegas and from the looks of the first episode, it is going to be a wild season. MTV did a great job casting this one with a lot of compelling and combustible personalities.

According to Wikipedia, six of the seven cast members come from childhoods marred with drugs and alcoholism, while the seventh had "past conflicts with her mother." That's a great start right there. The season has just begun but the seeds are already planted for lots of juicy storylines.

Nany's had the same boyfriend for six years but let's just say he doesn't seem like the talkative type. She likes bad boys and surprisingly, Adam is a bad boy and they are immediately attracted to each other. Adam tells her this, but when she rebuffs him he has no problem bringing two girls back home to the hot tub. Nany counters by complaining to rest of the roommates. A lot. And it's on like Donkey Kong. I can see this ending up in one of two ways: either Adam keeps hooking up with girls and Nany eventually breaks down or Nany spends the entire season complaining and ruins the show. I hope it's the former.

Michael is the innocent roommate. He went to a Catholic school and doesn't have much luck with the ladies. However, he shows a willingness to change and act more like his roommates. He brings two girls home back from the club and promptly reads to them from his prayer book in the best moment of the first episode. At this point, I yelled at my TV like I was a black person watching a horror movie. NOOOOOOO! When the kid finishes his prayer, one of the girls simply says, "Can we go bowling?" And yes, they have a bowling alley in their pad. Fucking sweet. Michael caps the night by trying to kiss one of the girls and is flat out denied while the girl laughs in his face. Brutal but I see a lot of potential.

Heather is an adorable, tiny blonde girl from New Jersey that was designed to break hearts. I say she has slut written all over her. The frequently shirtless Dustin is an All-American boy who takes a liking to Heather but has a bit of reluctance hooking up with a roommate. He eventually gives in, so it looks like no more bringing girls home for him. Idiot. Dustin also has a deep-dark secret. He was on a gay webshow where he naked but swears he never had sex. I call bullshit. Can't wait for Episode 6 when one of the producers leaves the website open on the gang's computer.

Rounding out the cast, Leroy is the gregarious roommate. A good looking, smooth guy, he's going to fly under the radar but will score the most pussy and be the catalyst for the most fun. Also, a sure bet to be on The Challenge. And last and least, Naomi is the street smart roommate that we will forget existed for episodes at a time. The other roommates will likely turn to her for advice.

It was a really strong start to the season. The roommates are likable, interesting, and willing to have fun, and Vegas is the ideal locale for debauchery. I foresee a lot of drama but also laughs. And I'm never going to go against girls in their underwear in a hot tub. Real World is a breath of fresh air from the growing staleness of Ronnie Loves Sammi. Excuse me, I mean Jersey Shore. Viewers and TJ Lavin has a lot to look forward to.

3 shots out of 4

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