Monday, February 14, 2011

Lady Gaga is Steve Urkel

Lady Gaga arrived to the Grammys last night in an egg. My friends and I had no idea what was going on when they showed it. At first, I thought she was helping to carry the egg but then we realized she was in the egg. I don't know how she came up with the idea or why she thanked Whitney Houston during her acceptance speech but that's another story. I'm a little concerned about Gaga, though, and I want to look out for a fellow NYUer. I love the antics, the songs, the outfits, the videos. I watched the Telephone video like 12 times in a row. But she's moving from crazy to weird and that's a dangerous step.

I used to love Family Matters. Steve Urkel FTW. He would break stuff and snort and somehow outsmart the school bullies at the end of the day. And he always got turned down by Laura. Then, created Urkelbot. That was like Lady Gaga's meat dress. Crazy, interesting, funny. It was an acceptable level of zaniness. Enter Stefan Urquelle. A cool Steve Urkel clone? It was funny but it was just too much. It was weird and the show lacked the same spirit it had in earlier years. And that's where it went downhill. Within a few years, Family Matters was stuck on CBS and Carl was prostituting himself in Grant Park to fund a serious drug habit (I think, I had stopped watching the show by then.)

I believe last night was Lady Gaga's Stefan Urquelle moment. The similarities are eerie. When she emerged from her egg, like Stefan from his transformation chamber, it was just weird. She's taken everything to a whole different level. Lady Gaga is falling off the face of the Earth, and coincidentally the last episode of Family Matters saw Steve Urkel in space. Hopefully, Gaga slows down before she's too far gone. Let's not forget that Steve Urkel was a pretty good dancer too back in his day.

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