Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Homeless Announcer Arrested

I was watching Dr. Phil talk with Ted Williams, the homeless golden-voiced announcer, about his drug addiction on one of those trashy tabloid shows at 2AM last night.  (On an unrelated note, insomnia sucks.)  Williams seems like a nice enough guy and has a great voice but was a little evasive about answering questions about his current lifestyle.  Well, here's a surprise.  Williams was arrested last night after getting into a heated argument with his daughter in Hollywood.   This guy was homeless like a week ago.  How about not rushing him onto every show?  Let the guy adjust to life with a roof over his head.  He obviously has problems.  Dr. Phil and Entertainment Tonight need to stop taking advantage of these people just because he's a hot news story.  I thought he was going to be an announcer with the Cavs.  What happened with that?  Williams told Dr. Phil he was going to go to 90 AA meetings in 90 days.  Let's see how that goes.  And Ted Williams, you have the world at your fingertips and everyone is rooting for you, don't get into a fight with your own daughter!!!!!!!!!  As for his voice, it's good but it's no match for Knicks PA Announcer Mike Walczewski.  AND AT CENTER, AT 7-FEET FROM GEORGETOWN, NUMBER 33, PAT-RICK EWING!!!

Gossip Cop

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