Thursday, April 7, 2011

Slut Walk 2011

In what can only be described as a watershed moment for women's rights, an enterprising group of young ladies held a special event in Toronto on Sunday called the Slut Walk. It was in protest of recent comments made by Police Constable Michael Sanguinetti at York University, in which he said that women should "avoid dressing like sluts" if they don't want to be raped. The event drew 3,000 people and was almost as funny as watching as chicks make the walk of shame the day after Halloween. Man, those are some ugly sluts. I'd much rather see the Ho Train in Vancouver.

Unfortunately, it looks like the weather wasn't so great and most participants left their miniskirts and lucite heels at home. Good rule of thumb: if you're going to have a Slut Walk, don't do it in Toronto in April. The Keith Stone Slut Walk will be held the first weekend of summer in South Beach. I have to say that the cop does have a point, though. I hate it when I'm at a bar and I'm standing next to a chick with her tits hanging out and she looks at me with disgust if I check her out for more than three seconds. Like I forced her to wear that kids' size tanktop and all that makeup. If you don't want me staring at you, wear mom jeans. Otherwise, stop being a bitch and show me that ass.

Toronto Globe and Mail

1 comment:

  1. This one of the best ideas I have seen when it comes to women claiming their sexual selves.
